Exciting New Ways to Serve Meatballs

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The glory of meatballs spans beyond being served as toppings in a typical spaghetti dish. In fact, there are several delicious ways for meatballs to be served as a gratifying meal. A lot of households grow fond over meatballs thanks to its easy preparation. You can freeze them after they’ve been cooked well – so you may reheat and easily add them to any dish or sauce in the next few days.

Fried, skewered, or baked, there are other exciting ways to spice up your meatball dishes for the week.

• Baked chicken meatballs
Here’s a meatball dish for all the chicken meat lovers! You can either make use of dark or white meat, it’s completely up to your preference. This dish is made from ground chicken and later speckled with pancetta bits. As a final touch, it is then glazed with a tangy tomato sauce. The burst of flavors is something everyone of all ages will truly love.

• Garlic meatball sandwich
Who doesn’t love garlic bread? If you’re still seeking for the perfect sandwich filling, stuff meatballs in your garlic bread. This idea may sound wild, but we can assure you, the outcome is totally worth it. Who knows, this might just be your next favorite comfort food.

• Glazed meatballs on skewers
To add a flavorful kick, create a marinade of ginger, garlic, and soy sauce and glaze it on the meatballs before you skewer them together. This distinct flavor is like that of Japan’s teriyaki sauce, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself addicted to the taste. This can be served as a finger food or even over rice for a complete heavy meal.

• Meatball macaroni & cheese
Another potential comfort food favorite, you can also add giant chunks of meatballs and serve it along with macaroni and cheese. Think of it as a spaghetti dish substitute – they’re both carbs after all. You can also opt to add more mozzarella cheese to make the dish yummy.

• Mozarella stuffed chicken meatballs
Meatballs and cheese? Ugh, yes please. This perfect combination seems to be a match made in cheese lovers’ heaven. Instead of going for your traditional plain meatballs, stuff them with mozzarella chunks before you either bake them or fry them.

• Caesar salad with meatballs
Who ever said healthy eating can’t be delicious? If you’ve grown tired of the usual grilled chicken slices on your salad, step up your game and substitute them with meatballs. This meal will fill you up after a long session at the gym. You’ll get your protein source, too!

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