How to Potty-Train Your Child

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Each child is unique as each child has his own timeline. So when your little one shows readiness to potty training, fear not as these simple tips will guide you:


1. Teach by example. Introducing a totally new concept to your toddler can be quite tricky. Teaching him by example is a good way to start. Since your little one is very observant at this stage, take advantage of this behavior. Whenever you need to go to the comfort room, tell him that you will go potty. He will be curious to know as this is new to him. When his curiosity is satisfied, he is bound to remember it. Ask the other members of the household to do the same for fun and for easy training!

2. Ask. It is a good move to ask your little one from time to time if he wants to go to his potty. Sometimes they are too busy playing to mind potty-time. However if you keep reminding him and asking him every hour or two if he wants to go, there will be retention and he will be more than happy to tell you himself next time!


3. Encourage. Like all his little achievements, celebrate every after a successful potty time. Telling him that he did a good job will make him feel excited and accomplished at the same time. Young as he may, he is the happiest whenever he makes his parents proud. When you continue celebrating his milestones, he will be encouraged to do his potty training – with pride!

4. Practice. As what the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” If your little one doesn’t get it right after the first few attempts, let it go. Toddlers learn differently. Do not compare your child’s training success with that of your friend’s daughter. Also, do not show frustration or disappointment to your little one. Be patient and just believe that with practice, your little one will be going to the potty before you know it!

Sometimes parents need to be reminded time and again of how children reach milestones at their own pace. As long as your child is active and thriving, there is no cause to worry and panic. Rushing things may not be beneficial for the child in the long run. It is good to focus on the present and enjoy the remaining days that your child is still dependent on you when he goes to the loo, among other things!


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